Why wait till you're injured to intervene?
Wellness &
Injury Prevention
I offer maintenance options so that we can address any concerns or questions before they become problems. The format of these sessions is similar to the rehabilitation sessions, described above, however with a greater focus on education, giving you tools to take back with you to the studio. In 1-2 visits, we will create a plan to help you dance healthier and more powerfully.
Pricing: $125 per session + individualized plan of action
Personalized Warm-up
Did you know that an effective neuromuscular warm-up before class and performance leads to improved performance and reduced risk of overuse injuries?
Through my years as a dancer and a physical therapist, I have the opportunity to learn how to warm-up through interactions with hundreds of dancers and teachers as well as studying up-to-date research in dance science. In 1-3 visits, we will discuss your dance goals, assess your current strengths and concerns, evaluate a variety of physical characteristics and create a personalized warm-up plan just for you! You will leave the session with a foundational understanding of how to warm-up well, an individualized warm-up plan complete with videos of each exercise, and a deeper understanding of yourself as a dancer,
Pricing: $125 per session + individualized plan of action
$60 for 30 minute follow-up sessions as needed, either in-person or virtual